
Menampilkan postingan dari Oktober, 2017

Friends S1E01 - The One where Monica gets a Roommate - English Subtitles...

whisker = cambang sleigh bell = lonceng giring mittens = sarung tinju horrible = mengerikan

Friends S01E01 - Best of Friends season 1 episode 1 - top funny moments 6

end up = berakhir sucks = menyebalkan crash on the couch split = bagi crush on = naksir geeky = culun vulnerability = kerentanan grab a spoon = get back

Friends Unagi Movieclip with captions.wmv

been up to crotch = selangkangan I dare you = saya menantangmu eel = belut befall = menimpa freak = orang aneh

Learn English through Movies subtitles - Friends season 1 e23 - The One ...

vent = lubang angin

Friends S01E01 - Best of Friends season 1 episode 1 - top funny moments 1

hump = punuk cleansing = membersihkan fixating = memperbaiki gravy boat = tempat saus

Friends S1E03 - The One with the Thumb - English Subtitles - two minutes

slimmer = lebih langsing whimper = merengek I am done = saya selesai

Friends S01E01 - Best of Friends season 1 episode 1 - top funny moments 3

pull out = mengeluarkan up to = hingga bunch = kumpulan whatsoever = apapun caught on = tertangkap

Nihongo 2017/10/25

1000 go ga shika shirimasen  mata ato de kikemasu  hito ga ippai ite mo, kou yatte hanashite mo ii desu ka  terebi no naiyou wo, rikai shitai  tsuzukemashou  hakui  kishoku ga hoka, yori kibishi desu  yori kiken na mono ga aru  B gata kan en (shoryaku) wirusu  kanzou no enzo  watashi igai, dare mo jikken shiteimasen  suterosu kanjimashita  purojekuto no shinkou wa totemo osoi desu  shuukagetsu go demo, kekka sukoshi shika wakarimasen  chuusaju = parking  associate profesor = junkyou ju  assistant professor = jokyou  gijutsu shokuin = staff teknisi  mibun = pekerjaan  goi wo fuyasu to, ..  igakubu choo  fuku igakubuchoo  kyoutei wo musubimashita = mou

Friends in class for teachers Rachel's bag with subtitle

impressed = terkesan buck = dollar guess = tebakan fork it over = hand over cough up = keluarkan

Friends - Joey's new brain [English subtitles]

come out = keluar kill off = membunuh slap = menampar help me out = tolong saya

Friends Difference between Men and Women subtitles

slid up = meluncur intense = intens sunk = tenggelam

Why she fell in love with you-Simon Sinek

fridge = kulkas

Goalcast Roger Federer

brat = anak nakal

Jamie Foxx ... Prepare for Your Opportunity

coffin = petimati busted = rusak begrudge = menyesalkan whack = pukulan went off = pergi

Lewis Howes - Lean into the Dream

deffensive = membela diri fouling = melanggar layups headbutt = menanduk pummel = memukul gash = luka ashamed = malu used up = terpakai lean into = bersandar kepada

You Needed Me Boyzone lyrics YouTube

pedestal = alas

All That I Need-Boyzone lyrics

winding road = jalan berliku rhyme = sajak

Boyzone - No matter what Lyrics

barren = gersang

Boyzone - Love me For a Reason (Lyrics)

pastime = hiburan caresses = belaian

Goalcast That's one of my guardian principle in life Ajahn

inclining = cenderung

This is what would make Neil deGrasse Tyson hire you

fuzzy = not clear contrived = dibuat-buat wiring = kabel spire = puncak menara comes up = datang empower = memberimu kekuatan

Do Whatever It Takes - The Story Of The Young Man And The Guru

waist = pinggang pass out = pingsan

Inspiring Advice from His Father - Inky Johnson

solitude = kesendirian cultivate = mengolah bothered = mengganggu encounter = bertemu roll up = menggulung toughening  = menguatkan

The Most Inspiring Robin Williams Speech - Make Your Life Spectacular

fleeting = sekilas distress = tertekan cast = lemparkan string = tergantung streaks = bergaris-garis

Mark Zuckerberg - Get Started

imposter = penipu janitor = pesuruh

1000 Most Common Japanese Phrases part 8

33:04- 37:44 Kakemasu = call Tsunagarimasen = cant connect Tsutaete kuremasenka = will you tell Orikaeshi = return/back Machigatta = wrong Denwa o kiru = hang up Nokosu = leave Shimete = close Te of Kashite = give me Onegai ga arimasu = could you help me Torihazushite = remove Yorokonde = with pleasure Konyakusoku = enggaged Akete kuremasen ka = would you please open Taizai suru = stay Wazuka suu kagetsu = just a few months Hikkoshimasu = move Toori = street Shussan irai = since birth Nara = then

1000 Most Common Japanese Phrases part 7

28:06-33:04 Senshuu = last week Kiita = heard Nante subarashii = how nice Renraku o toriaimashou = keep in touch Nokotte imasu = left Hitorikko = single son Niwa = garden Souchou  ni=early morning Sudeni = already Tsuita = arrived Torikunde kimashita = working Kinjou = neighbour Hajimaru = begin Touchaku = arrival Midareteshimatta = messed up Tachimashite =it has been Ni dome = second time Otozureta = second time Okotaeshimasu = answer Chokyori = long distance

1000 Most Common Japanese Phrases Part 5

18.29 -22:55 Kinnen = recent years Osugoshi- good day Kawarimasu = berubah Ryuuchou ni = fluently Kanari jouzu = pretty well Bokoku go = native language Dou yattara = how can Kaizen = improve Jibun jishin = myself Hyogen suru = expressing Nani shiteru no = what are you doing Kiite imasu = listening Konshuu matsu = weekend Gaishutsu suru = go out Nannin ka no = some of Doko ni iku no = where are you going Okoshi masu = wake up Migaki = brush Chousoku = breakfast Chouri shimasu = cook 

HBV transmission

transmission HBV 4 Oct 2017 H3 Organisms such as hepatitis B virus (HBV) that cause infections via sexual transmission can also cause infections via other routes, such as percutaneous transmission by contaminated needles and vertical transmission in utero or during delivery. As a typical STI, HBV infection is present in all types of populations. Sexual contact and vertical transmission from mother to infant are responsible for the large majority of HBV infections worldwide [4]. HBV infection as an STI is well documented. It is mainly common among men who have sex with men (MSM), because multiple partners are common in this population; and anal sex is usually more traumatic than vaginal intercourse, resulting in increased risk of exposure to blood [4, 5]. HBV infection is also extremely common among heterosexual individuals who have multiple sex partners or contact with sex workers [6]. HBV transmission has been found to occur through various forms of human contact, ...

Micro RNA

miRNA 4 Oct 2017 definitionG14 MicroRNAs or miRNAs, a subset of non-coding RNAs, are ∼22-nt long endogenously-initiated short RNA molecules that are considered to posttranscriptionally regulate the cleavage of target m- RNAs or just repress their translation G15 A microRNA (abbreviated miRNA) is a small non-coding RNA molecule (containing about 22 nucleotides) found in plants, animals and some viruses, that functions in RNA silencing and post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression.[1][2] While the majority of miRNAs are located within the cell, some miRNAs, commonly known as circulating miRNAs or extracellular miRNAs, have also been found in extracellular environment, including various biological fluids and cell culture media. perbedaan dengan siRNA Link: G15 miRNAs resemble the small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) of the RNA interference (RNAi) pathway, except miRNAs derive from regions of R...

1000 Most Common Japanese Phrases part 4

14.57 - 18.29 Go ni = later Asu = tomorrow Aishimasu = meet Seikaku na = accurate/exact Sakunen = last year Sugi = half past Choudo= precisely Happun mae = delapan menit lagi Jikan douri = on time Touchaku = tiba Shika = hanya Kaigi = meeting Enki saremasu = ditunda Okureteimasu = delayed Maemotte oeru = finish earlier Yakusoku = janji Moushiwake = sorry Kiteimasu = datang Hairikudasai = please come in Kyuuyuu = old friend

1000 Most Common Japanese Phrases part 3

11.06 -14.57 Ikutsu ka = some of Hou = benda Oi = put Shitte imasu = know Kongetsu = this month Kotoshi = tahun ini Atte = ketemu Tenpo = store Heijitsu = weekday Shuumatsu = weekend Eigyou = menjual Konshuu matsu = during this weekend Muikakan = 6 days Senshuu = last week Hanbai = sale Kikan = waktu Futsuka kan = two days Kimeru = tetapkan Seinengappi= birthday Hizuke = date

Steve Jobs Describes His Road To Success And The Lessons He Learned

diverge = menyimpang fall out = rontok devastating = menghancurkan freed = membebaskan remarkable = luar biasa brick = bata settled = duduk/menetap drown out = menenggelamkan courage = keberanian

Rencana Perjalanan di Izumo

Rencana Perjalanan Keliling Izumo Tanggal 11 Oktober 2017 09.30 : Bento untuk makan siang dan Snack sore akan datang ke hotel Dormy Inn. TIM A Jam TIM B Berangkat dari Dormy Inn Hotel; Menuju ke Shimane Winery 9:50 Berangkat dari Dormy Inn Hotel; Menuju ke Shimane Winery Berada di Shimane Winery; (usahakan wudhu di toilet sebelum meninggalkan tempat ini) 10:30 Berada di Shimane Winery; (usahakan wudhu di toilet sebelum meninggalkan tempat ini) 11:00 11:30 12:00 Balik ke Hotel Dormy Inn pakai Bis (Bis akan datang tepat jam 12.57, bis berikutnya akan datang jam 14:57. Mohon hal ini jadi perhatian) 12:20 Di dalam Bis, menuju ke Hinomisaki, Makan Siang di dalam Bis (tetap jaga kebersihan dalam bis); Shalat Jamak di dalam Bis Siap-siap menyambut Tim dari Universitas di hotel Dormy Inn 13:00 Di hinomisaki 13:30 14:00 14:20 Di dalam bis, menuju Izumo Taisha Shrine, Snack Sore Dijemput oleh Bus dari Universitas Shimane 14:30 Acara MoU 15:00 Izumo Taisha Beran...