
Menampilkan postingan dari September, 2017

Shakira Goalcast I made myself a promise need to succeed

vividly = jelas upset =kecewa sniff = mencium/menghirup barefoot = telanjang kaki abandoned = ditinggalkan impressionable = mudah terpengaruh

Jadwal pengambilan Barang Festival

Untuk acara Festival bulan Oktober

key for jumah pray

key for jumah pray in shimane daigaku izumo shi, shimane prefecture

GoalCast - Charlie Day

i dont give a shit = i dont care pay off = lunasi long run = jangka panjang vulnerability = kerentanan

STOP WASTING TIME - Part 1 | Motivational Video for Success & Studying (...

dying = hilang set out = berangkat legacy = warisan rate = menilai in terms = dalam hal trace = jejak

Trash collection Calendar 2017

Enya-cho, Izumo-shi, Shimane Prefecture

"It blew me away." - Bradley Cooper

terrific = hebat awakening = bangun blow away = menerbangkan contrarian = kontroversial terrified = ketakutan

Nihon Go 20170926

There was an an announcement about when Sakura's flower will come out of this year Sakura no hana ga kotoshi itsu goro saku ka happyou ga arimashita According to the forecast of the Japan Weather Association Nihon kishou kyoukai yosou ni yoru to The place where cherry blossoms bloom earliest this year is Fukuoka Kotoshi ichiban hayaku sakura ga saku tokoro wa Fukuoka de It is likely to be around March 23 San gatsu nijusan nichi goro ni nari sou desu Kochi and Tokyo are around March 24, Osaka is around March 28, Sendai is around April 10 Kochi to Tokyo wa Sangatsu nijuyokka goro, Osaka wa sangatsu nijuhachi nichi goro, Sendai wa shigatsu tooka goro de It is likely to be roughly the same as the usual year Itsumo no toshi to daitai onaji ni nari sou desu The weathernews company that issues weather forecast etc Denki yohou nado dashite iru weathernews to iu kaisha wa on smartphone, before spring comes haru ni naru mae ni, sumatofonde began a service that cherry blo...

'BELIEVE' (ft.Will Smith) - Motivational video | Will Smith Inspiring sp...

mediocrity = biasa-biasa saja excel = unggul

"No man is an island." - Sylvester Stallone

blown up = diledakkan lucid = jelas prevail = menang epitaph = tulisan di batu nisan invincible = tak terkalahkan

Emotional Angelina Jolie Speech That Will Inspire You To Be Of Use

overwhelm = berlebihan humble = hina famine = kelaparan rape = korban perkosaan sheltered = terlindung fortunate = beruntung

GoalCast.....Never Give Up

hang around = berkeliaran catch a break = beristirahat sebentar figure out = mencari tahu discouraged = berkecil hati

Goalcast-Enlighten Mankind by Sharukh Khan on Ted Talk, love your Country

inexplicable = tidak bisa dijelaskan infinite = tidak terbatas dignity = martabat flourish = berkembang

Peter Dinklage (Tyrion Lannister) Inspiring Speech: "DON'T WAIT"

ever since = sejak itu defining = pasti derailed = tergelincir

Robin Williams - This video will either make you laugh or cry. | Goalcast

came out = keluar dari sober = siuman possessed = kerasukan eventually = akhirnya

Inspiring Denzel Washington Speech about Career Goals

flunk out = gagal beauty parlor = salon kecantikan prophecy = ramalan passionate = bergairah ultimately = akhirnya strive = berjuang aspire = cita-cita tinggi

Robert Downey Jr's story - Never Give Up | GoalCast

razor = pisau armed = bersenjata time being = saat ini self esteem = harga diri menace = ancaman incarcerate = memenjarakan yet = namun embrace = memeluk hopelessness = keputusasaan insurmountable = tidak dapat diatasi ghastly = mengerikan persistent = gigih

M2M - Pretty Boy (With Lyrics)

longing = kerinduan reach out = menjangkau

Don't You Remember - Adele (Lyrics)

seal =menutup fickle heart = hati yang berubah2 wander = mengembara

Adele - Rolling In The Deep [Lyrics]

despair = putus asa reap = menuai sow = tabur

When We Were Young - Adele LYRICS

getting old = menjadi tua restless = gelisah hold on = menunggu reckless = sembrono

Adele - Hello (Official Lyrics Video) HD

go over = meninjau kembali so typical = sangat khas make it out = berhasil

Adele - Someone Like You! Lyrics.

settle down = tenang turn up = datang/muncul instead = malah summer haze = kabut musim panas

Katy Perry - Hot N'Cold Lyrics

Cryptically = samar Make up = berteman lagi Get off = turun

1000 Most Common Japanese Phrases Part 2

 05.16 - 11.06 miman = kurang dari sokoku = motherland shusshin = come from kokuseki = nationality jinkou = population shuto = capital sodachimasu = raised up shuu = state tennen shigen = natural resource shokugyou = profession bengoshi= pengacara shashin ka = photografer dansei = guy = male kyoushi = teacher tadashii = correct dore = which toori = street yobimasu = call mitsukemasu = find subete = all

1000 Most Common Japanese Phrases Part 1

0 : 00 - 5: 15 Manabu = belajar chigai masu = bukan gokigen = feeling okusama = istri mou ikanai to = saya harus pergi sekarang jiko = myself tsuzurimasu = spell yonde kudasai = call me myouji = family name aideki te ureshii = nice to meet you fuku o ki = memakai baju josei = lady shoukai shite moraemasu = introduce me yuujin = teman yori ni sai wakai = dua tahun lebih muda sanjuudai = thirties toshiue = old koeteimasu = melebihi shuunen kinen = anniversary haruka ni = far away miemasu = looks kekkyoku = after all ikihajimeru = mulai pergi

Katy Perry Last Friday Night (TGIF) Lyrics

Pounding = dentuman Passed out =  pingsan Hickiey = bekas ciuman Bruise = memar End up =berakhir Screwed = kacau Ruled = diatur Maxed = maximised Streaking = berlari cepat Towed = menderek Chandelier = tempat lilin Ale = kind of beer

Issunboshi - Japanese Story

ใ‚€ใ‹ใ—ใ‚€ใ‹ใ— = once upon a time ใ‚ใ‚‹ใจใ“ใ‚ใซ = di suatu tempat ใ‹ใฟใ•ใพ = god ใฉใ†ใ‹= please ใ•ใšใ‘ใฆใใ ใ•ใ„ = please give ใฉใ‚Œใ ใ‘ใกใ„ใ•ใใฆใ‚‚ใ‹ใพใ„ใพใ›ใ‚“ = No matter how small it may be ใ™ใ‚‹ใจ= then ใ‚ใ‚‹ใฒใฎใ“ใจ =one day ใ‚Šใฃใฝใชใถใ—ใซใชใ‚‹ใŸใ‚ใซ = To become a sort of a sophisticated samurai ใŠใ‚ใ‚“= bowl ใ‚‚ใ‚‰ใ„ใพใ—ใŸ = got ใ‹ใŸใช = pedang ใชใฟใซใซใ‚†ใ‚‰ใ‚Œ= Shaken by the waves ใซใฟใ‚„ใ“ใซใŸใฉใ‚Šใคใใพใ—ใŸ I reached Miyako safely ใ‹ใœใซใตใ‹ใ‚Œ= blowing in the wind ใŸใณใฎใจใกใ‚…ใ†= middle of the journey ใ‚ใ‚ใซใ†ใŸใ‚Œ= beaten by rain

FROZEN | Let It Go Sing-along | Official Disney UK

howling = melolong swirling = berputar2 conceal = sembunyikan; turn away = berpaling ; slam = banting; rage on = murka; break through = menerobos; flurries = swirl; icy blast = ledakan dingin

Whitney Houston How will i know

deceiving = menipu

Local Bus schedule in Izumo

local bus schedule in izumo (2017) From Izumo, Shimane University to Train Station (Passing Tenjincho) From Aeon Bus Station to Izumo Train Station From Izumo Train Station to Aeon Mall, Youme town, Izumo taisha, Hinomisaki From Izumo Train Station to Shimane University Hospital From Youme town station to Izumo Train Station and Shimane University Dari depan well city ke shimane daigaku Dari depan well city ke Izumoshi eki

Hemodialisa 4

Hemodialisa 4

Hemodialisa 3

Hemodialisa 3

Katy Perry -Roar- Lyrics Official Video

hold down = menekan stripes = garis-garis

i wanna dance with somebody whitney Houston

strikes upon = fade = luntur figure out = memecahkan chase away = mengusir ; spin through, wind up = menyelesaikan

1000 Most Common Japanese Phrases part 6

22: 55 - 28:06 Kaika ni = downstairs Kigae suru = to dress Demasu = leave Mukae ni ikimasu = pick up Kaerimich = way home Aki jikan = spare time Yakyuu = baseball Oemasu = finish 25:36 Nemuremasen = i cant sleep well Zasshi = magazine Hitoban = all night Mezamete = awake Okuremashite = late Jikan Pittari = on time Tochuu de = on the way Isoi da = hurried Nokotte = stayed Zangyou = lembur Saikin = recently Maa maa desu

Whitney Houston - Greatest Love Of All [Lyrics]

lead = pimpin; possess = memiliki ; a sense of pride ; rasa bangga ; laughter = tertawa ; look up to =  melihat ke atas dignity = martabat ; by chance = kebetulan

how to get medical care in Izumo

how to get medical care in izumo

Jadwal rotasi pipet tips


Hemodialisa 1

Catatan hemodialisa 1

Hemodialisa 2

Catatan hemodialisa 2

When you believe (Mariah Carey & Whitney Houston) - lyrics

barely = hampir tidak; frail = lemah vain= sia-sia swiftly = begitu cepat yet = namun get through = melalui hold still = diam

RUN TO YOU - Whitney Houston (Lyrics)

What's the sense = apa artinya wipe away = menghapus kiss away = mengusir


Senin HBV Epidemiology-1 Luciferase assay Chrome - Bookmark - New term 81-100-1 Selasa HBV Structure Cell culture Chrome - Bookmark - New term 201-220 Rabu HBV transmission miRNA Chrome - Bookmark - New term 21-40 Kamis HBV Prevention Immunology general review Chrome - Bookmark - New term 1-20 Jumat HBV life cycle Chrome - Bookmark - New term 41-60 chrome - bookmark - new term 101-120 Sabtu HBV diagnosis -1 Chrome - Bookmark - New term 61-80 Minggu DNA transfection Chrome - Bookmark - New term 81-100

Bahasa Inggris

Senin Whitney Houston - I Will Always Love You - Lyrics Whitney Houston - I Have Nothing (Lyrics) Mark Ronson - Uptown Funk (feat. Bruno Mars) - Lyrics Pink - Just Give Me A Reason Lyrics RUN TO YOU - Whitney Houston (Lyrics) Selasa When you believe (Mariah Carey & Whitney Houston) - lyrics Whitney Houston - Greatest Love Of All [Lyrics] i wanna dance with somebody whitney Houston Katy Perry -Roar- Lyrics Official Video Whitney Houston How will i know Rabu FROZEN | Let It Go Sing-along | Official Disney UK Katy Perry Last Friday Night (TGIF) Lyrics Katy Perry - Hot N'Cold Lyrics Adele - Someone Like You! Lyrics. Kamis When We Were Young - Adele LYRICS Adele - Rolling In The Deep [Lyrics] Don't You Remember - Adele (Lyrics) M2M - Pretty Boy (With Lyrics) Jumat Inspiring Denzel Washington Speech about Career Goals Robin Williams - This video will either make you laugh or cry. | Goalcast Peter Dinklage (Tyrion Lannister) Inspiring Speech: ...

Bahasa Jepang

Senin Japanese Vocabulary 10 - Office Japanese Vocabulary 4 - Profesi Nihongo 2017/10/25 Anpanman kids toy lottery  - 2 Nihon Verb  1-70 Selasa Nihon-go 20170926 - 3 Japanese Vocabulary 9 - Order  -3 Japanese Vocabulary 2- Rain in Japan Vending Machine Toy  - 2 Rabu Part 1 : 234 xxx  1000 Most Common Japanese Phrases Part 2 xxx  Japanese Vocabulary 8 - Kitchen Japanese Vocabulary 1- Martial arts Kamis 1000 Most Common Japanese Phrases Part 1  - 1 Japanese Vocabulary 7 - Family  -1 Kanji 20171107 Jumat Issunboshi - Japanese Story Japanese Vocabulary 6 - House Kids playing doctor  (2:13) Sabtu 1000 Most Common Japanese Phrases part 6 Japanese Vocabulary 3 - typical Japanese Thomas and friends Minggu Japanese vocabulary 11 - Body parts Japanese Vocabulary 5 - Stationery Nihongo 20171105 Anpanman convenience store

Juz Amma

Senin 79. An-Naziat 90. AL Balad 93. Ad-Duha 100. Al adiyat 107. Al Maun Selasa 80. Abasa [21-42] 86. At Tariq [5] 94. Al Insyirah 101. Al Qariah 108. Al Qausar Rabu 82. Al Infithar [19] 85. Al Buruj [9, 11, 16] 91. Asy-Syams 95. At-tiin 102. At takasur 109. Al Kafirun Kamis 83. Al Mutaffifin 87. Al A'la 92. Al-lail 96. Al Alaq 103. Al Asr 110. An Nasr Jumat 84. Al insyiqaq Part 1 : 1-10 Part 2 : 11-20 Part 3 : 21-25 88. Al Gasyiyah ๐Ÿ—น  Part 1 : 1-10 Part 2 : 11-20 Part 3 : 21-26 ๐Ÿ—น  97. Al Qadr ๐Ÿ—น  104. Al Humazah ๐Ÿ—น  111. Al Lahab Sabtu 81. At-takwir 98. Al Bayyinah ๐Ÿ—นPart 1 : 1-4, Part 2 : 5-8 ๐Ÿ—น 105. Al Fil ๐Ÿ—น 112. Al Ikhlas ๐Ÿ—น 113. Al Falaq Minggu 78. An-Naba 89. Al Fajr 99. Al zalzalah 106. Quraisy 114. An Nas Link ke Kumpulan Surah

Pink - Just Give Me A Reason Lyrics

bent = bengkok happening = terjadi run wild = liar duct = ductus rust = karat

Bahasa Inggris - Kamis

Kamis When We Were Young - Adele LYRICS Adele - Rolling In The Deep [Lyrics] Don't You Remember - Adele (Lyrics) M2M - Pretty Boy (With Lyrics) Part 2 Mark Zuckerberg - Get Started Goalcast Roger Federer Why she fell in love with you-Simon Sinek Friends Unagi Movieclip with captions.wmv Learn English through Movies subtitles - Friends season 1 e22 - The One ...

Daftar Ilmu

Microbiology Senin HBV Epidemiology-1 Luciferase assay Chrome - Bookmark - New term 81-100-1 Chrome - Bookmark - New term 161-180 Selasa HBV Structure Cell culture Chrome - Bookmark - New term 201-220 Chrome - Bookmark - New term 181-200 Rabu HBV transmission miRNA Chrome - Bookmark - New term 21-40 Chrome - Bookmark - New term 221-240 Kamis HBV Prevention Immunology general review Chrome - Bookmark - New term 1-20 Chrome - Bookmark - New term 241-260 Jumat HBV life cycle Chrome - Bookmark - New term 41-60 chrome - bookmark - new term 101-120 Sabtu HBV diagnosis -1 Chrome - Bookmark - New term 61-80 chrome - bookmark - new term 121-140 Minggu DNA transfection Chrome - Bookmark - New term 81-100 chrome - bookmark - new term 141-160 Bahasa Inggris Senin Whitney Houston - I Will Always Love You - Lyrics Whitney Houston - I Have Nothing (Lyrics) Mark Ronson - Uptown Funk (feat. Bruno Mars) - Lyrics ...