
Menampilkan postingan dari November, 2017

Kids Playing Anpanman Paper Craft Halloween Vending Machine Toy

Jidō hanbaiki  waritakunai yo  sore kashite  kowaiyo  ~-tsū tte~e ~  tasukete! Yada ̄ ! Tte itteru ne  sōda boku sakini yaru yo meron  koko ni kakure toko ja~a  dare kara jūsu kau no ka na  a ̄ sappari shita  kita  otoko ga  saigomade mite kurete arigatō  hoka no dōga mo mite ne

Anpanman Kids Toy Lottery and Lollipop Chocolate

fukubiki = lottery keihin = prize shou = award ireru = masukkan kime = tentukan kachi = menang ooatari = menang besar kujibiki = lotteru

Thomas and Friends Cars McQueen Doraemon Anpanman Toys Nursery Rhymes

youi suru = prepare haru = stick shibui = cool kakkoi = keren kobu = punuk marumete = to round it dekiagari = ready ten san = hidung panjang hassha = launch niatteru = suit kira kira = twinkle twinkle

Bahasa Jepang - Sabtu

1000 Most Common Japanese Phrases part 6 Japanese Vocabulary 3 - typical Japanese Anpanman convenience store

Bahasa Jepang - Jumat

Jumat Issunboshi - Japanese Story Japanese Vocabulary 6 - House Kids playing doctor  (2:13) = 1.

Nihongo 20171108

閉込められた時に押して下さい。管理センターへ通報します。 ここから先はP3実験室入室の際は記帳してください 使用中 【医理工農連携プログラム講義】機能性物質、食品の応用の基礎(修士課程)機能性物質、食品の医療応用と環境影響(博士課程)11月8日(水)1 4:30〜1 6:00生物資...

Kanji 20171107

医生物学と数学 。 情報科学の接点。 医生物学と数学 。 情報科学の応用 統計科学事 始統計科学って? 丁データを科学する? 単なる情報処理技術? データは我々に呟いている! その呟きを聞き分けれる良い耳! 統計科学を知っているかしらないか

Friends S1E02 - The One with the Sonogram at the End - English Subtitles...

straight = lurus

Learn English through Movies subtitles - Friends season 1 e22 - The One ...

get over = sembuh punch = menekan

Nihongo 20171105

1. I spend every day playing and sleeping and playing again and going back to sleep. What a life! Mainichi, asonde wa nete, asonde wa nete…mou saikou! 2. I wanted you to play, like a child. kodomo no you ni asonde kurashite hoshikattan da yo. 3.So you have lived for three months on 50.000 yen, Father. to suru to, otousan wa sankagetsukan o goman’en de kurashita wake da. 4. Hujan telah turun, Pantas jalanan basah. Ame ga futte itta, michi ga nureteru (basah) wake da 5. “I lost my way. Michi ni mayotte shimaimashita. 6. Please be careful when you cross the street. michi o wataru toki wa ki o tsukete kudasai. 7. Burung-burung itu menyeberang ke afrika utara pada musim dingin korera no tori wa fuyu ni ha kita (utara) Afurika ni wataru。 8. Tidak mungkin anak laki-laki itu bisa menyeberangi sungai itu shounen ga sono kawa wo oyoide wataru koto  ha fukanou datta 9. It is impossible for you to jump two meters high. kimi ga 2 meetoru no takasa made janpu sur...

Learn English through Movies subtitles - Friends season 1 e16 - 1e17 - T...

shoplift = mengutil drunk = mabuk switch back

Friends S1E18 - The One with all the Poker - English Subtitles - two min...

way off = jauh

Friends S1E13 - The One with the Boobies - English Subtitles - two minutes

analytical = analitis self esteem = harga diri compensate = mengimbangi sibling = saudara kandung overshadow = membayangi failure = kegagalan

Joey and the ESL (English as a Second Language) class {Subs}

pick it up left off